Monday, May 11, 2009

My question

Here's my could our "fearless" leader, Gpak, dump us last Friday for a date with a couple of dnews-er has-beens (especially Dave Anderton)? And then go watch a really geeky movie like Star Trek? -cw


  1. I gotta be honest with you, that was an easy call to make. And after reading Brady's review of your lunch destination, I know I made the right choice. My geek instincts are just too powerful to be overcome by the prospect of eating a pupa or some salad.

  2. Two things... 1) There is an area for commenting, and an area for posting. Definitely no need to put the same data in both spots. 2) I know I'm super forging, but I can't believe you'd simply forget yet again how I have never, ever led you astray when it comes to food choices. Your comment about Brady's post making you feel better about missing lunch slights a very solid meal that I had. I guess you already forgot that just last Thursday evening I delivered another solid choice for you at Asian Star.

  3. My first reaction to point 2 is that, perhaps, you're also super-sensitive. I freely admit that you have never led me astray when it comes to food. But I also think that, knowing me as well as you do, you never would have recommended that I try the same dish you had at Les Madeleines. I'm sure you would have led me right, but that your suggestion would have been more in line with my tastes, assuming anything fitting that bill could be found at this particular restaurant. I hope this clarification allows for some forgiveness. If not, I'll just have to deal with your super-vengeance, or whatever.

  4. It's important to remember that even though Scrunch's lunch-destination-picking skills are super legendary, not even he can hit them out of the park every time, especially considering the wide variety of tastes in the GPaK crew. And Jonny, please let us know when last Friday's lunch feels ready to burst, Alien-style, from your chest. I don't want to miss that.

  5. Just having fun, Greg, on all counts. Your comment made me laugh out loud, or as the kids would do it (lol). And, your comment was spot on. I definitely would not have recommended the froofy stuff I got. It's sometimes a necessary evil to order things like that to aid my powers. You, of all people, would understand that.

    As for the alien. I'm hoping it doesn't happen until Friday and Chuck actually remembers his camera. That scene, on video, would enable us to monetize this site and pay for our lunches until Thanksgiving.

  6. Monetize! Monetize! It's my new favorite word!
    And yes, I do understand the need to constantly hone your powers. You have done an admirable job in that regard, which is why you are a superhero.
