Fridays foray to Les Madeleines was a little bit out of character for the GPaK crew. Our meals often hinge around large quantities of meat with the occasional salad (examples sporadic, but could be a topic for a future post). But as someone who enjoys an occasional trip to a "pastry shop" (more on this later), I left extremely satisfied with Fridays lunch.
I ordered the Sesame Chicken Wrap which came with a side of edamame. A solid choice considering the wrap came with a peanut dipping sauce, something that can really pack a nice punch and help with the overall satisfaction. The rice paper was packed heavily with good portions of chicken and butter lettuce along with a drizzle of dressing. The meal was flavorful and the edamame was a healthy side (something that I'm known to do from time to time). A glass of water (another usual step for me, and an effective cost saver) chased the food well and I left happy.
The meal could have only been better if the Crew (minus our namesake who was attending Star Trek) had decided to partake in the items Les Madeleines is known for, their pastries. Brady even suggested it, but instead chose to devour another donut for his afternoon snack. Had he subjected himself to a tasty treat from this hip joint, I'm certain his review would have been different. The group should consider a return trip (possibly on one of Brady's vacation days — which happen, never) in order to try one of the famous delicacies which made it all the way to the Food Network.
Man-up possibilities ... 5 (one could have a feast on the pastries)
Quality ... 8
Overall ... 7
— SuperScrunch
You can always count on Scrunch restore order to the Gpak lunch blog with his super-calming narrative. Well done.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit unsettled by the new picture. That's freaky scary.
ReplyDeleteGotta agree that the new picture is scary. Surely we can come up with something better. We want to invite people to visit the site, not force them to turn off their computers and run screaming from the room.
ReplyDeleteIt won't stay forever, but when I was transferring the photo of my meal from my phone I also came across this doozy and couldn't resist. Just a fun shout out to you boys. Question Greg: did your neck hurt after riding in my Honda like that?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think?
ReplyDeleteAnd really, I don't hate the photo. It's just that it's so large!
And by the way, Jonny. Is that or is that not a picture of a couple of pupae on your plate? And did you really eat them?
ReplyDeleteI gotta back Brady up on this. I'm guessing that, if you wouldn't have eaten those things, something nasty would have hatched out of them within an hour or two.
ReplyDeleteI know it's an oddity to eat something that has some transparency to it. But based on the fact that it tasted so good and didn't do damage to me, I'm just going to believe somehow you are clearly jealous of the satisfaction I experienced.
ReplyDeleteYeah, or maybe the aliens hatched inside of you, and you've been body-snatched. I'm thinking that's the more likely explanation.
ReplyDeleteHere's my could our "fearless" leader, dump us last Friday for a date with a couple of dnews-er has-beens? And then go watch a really geeky movie like Star Trek? -cw