It happened! A lunch with the GPaK, uh I mean 3PaK — at least today — that went sans an F-bomb. Someone was missing and we'll leave it at that.
Today the crew ventured south for a visit to Jimmy John's. Typically we've shied away from the chain type eatery, choosing instead to visit spots with a more localized tie, but today we were in a hurry (GPaK said he had a meeting or something) so we went with a place that claims "subs so fast you'll freak."
I didn't freak, but it was fast and had we not hovered about the front counter debating on our selection for a few extra minutes, it probably would have been faster.
JJ's is friendly and their staff is ready and waiting to serve it up quickly. The entrance greets you with a plethora of signs — some funny, some small, some useless. But the most important sign, at least a portion of it, seemed to take one of us by surprise today.
That sign, the menu. Obviously the menu is the most important feature of our weekly get together. Without it, we wouldn't starve, but we also wouldn't be able to bring you the large selection of choices that we attempt to partake in on a weekly basis.
Where was I? Oh yes, the process of ordering. Brady stepped to the counter first and went with a standard sub sandwich — those occupying the left side (Sub Sandwiches) of the menu, and those on the cheaper side of the menu. And while I enjoy frugal, the man partially responsible for inventing the definition of manning up slipped up a bit by going cheap today. He completely missed the right side (Giant Club Sandwiches) of the menu which offer "twice the meat," yes I quoted correctly, "twice the meat."
That's where GPaK and I ventured. Greg with the #17, Utlimate Porker, me with the #16, Club LuLu. Nothing froofy about these hand grabbers. Good solid portions of meat — in my case turkey — with a LARGE stack of bacon topping it off. Add the tomato, lettuce and mayo wrapped by JJ's "famous french bread" and I had myself a sandwich — a man's sandwich. I'm bragging as it's rare I truly man up. And I did one better. I added cheese, for more money. It's all shocking, even to me, but it was a complete meal and I was very satisfied with the quantity. I chased this bad boy with some Salt and Vinegar potato chips (so so) and a raspberry iced tea. Yes, I even ventured away from the water today.
The quality was good, but not great. And while I think everyone ate well, it speaks volume that what really dominated our conversation today was the recent burger addition to Salt Lake's dining scene. Brady and I joined GPaK as Smash Burger visitors this week and we can't wait to go back as — GPaK style. In a pinch, and in need of fast food, JJ's is a solid choice and if you are really desperate and can't get away for the hour — or so —they even deliver.
Food Quality: 7
Fizz-o-meter of Coke: Please see GPaK's comment below
Man-up possibilities: 9 (they even have sides of "extra loads of meat")
Service: 9
Overall: 7.5
Again, today, we feature some quotes from the GPaK during the meal. They lack the elegance that Wingnut brings, but they were still good for a laugh.
"Is it weird that this song reminds me of Wingnut?"
"I have officially manned up."
"Is a potato a vegetable? Not when it's a french fry. Then it's a french fry."
"My wife uses vinegar to clean the floor, so I don't feel like eating it."
"Turkey is a woman's meat. I'm just saying."
"Did you just say something about Mr. Winky?"
"If we keep talking about clothes and food, we might as well be women."
There's a Jimmy John's about two minutes away from my house. It's been there for several years. I've never been there. Not sure what that says about me, but on Friday I finally succumbed to the sweet siren call of the Subway impersonator.
ReplyDeleteOK, maybe I'm being a little harsh, but I really didn't think Jimmy John's was any better than Subway or Blimpie or Gandolfo's any other sub shop I've tried. Still, I was hungry and Jimmy put a sandwich in front of me, so I ate it. My "Vito" sandwich had the requisite meat and veggies, but when I told the order-taker to go light on the vinaigrette, he really took that to heart because the sandwhich contained none.
All in all, it was fine, but nothing I couldn't do better myself at home if I weren't too lazy to actually make a sandwich.
Man-up possibilities: 9
Food quality: 6.5
Service: 9 (Freaky fast: I was still putting the change in my wallet when I was handed my sandwich and the server said, "Sorry about the wait.")
Overall: 7
Well done, Scrunch, and I especially appreciate your ability to resist the urge to make some comment on the name of my sandwich choice.
ReplyDeleteYes, I did have the Porker. It had ham and bacon, both prepared well. The meat was ample and tasty. The sandwich was ready quickly. And it tasted good. Not awesome. Not ausgezeichnet. But not bad or cruddy, either.
And yes, I guess I am a porker, so perhaps my lunch choice could be seen as cannibalism. Something to think about.
I've been to the JJ's in Midvale before, and I really do kinda like it. But it didn't rock my world today. Maybe it was all the talk about SmashBurger, which did rock my world when I went with my wife. Mmmmmm, Smashburger.
Anyway, I have nothing further to say.
Food quality: 7.5
Man-up possibilities: 9
Service: 9
Fizz-o-meter of Coke: 8 (thanks, Scrunch, for the photo of me looking constipated with the Coke sign behind me)
Overall: 7.5
Well, it's good to see that you guys had such a wonderful time without F-Bombman!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I know firsthand that Brady can actually rival my f-bombs ... but for the sake of our family friendly audience, I'll try to tone them down. NOT! :)
On the subject of food and manning up ... Scrunch, there is NO WAY IN HELL that you can brag about manning up, when you order a sandwich with the name LuLu in it! Seriously? LuLu? That is Super girlie for the SuperScrunch.
And Scrunch's drink choice? A raspberry iced tea? Why didn't you have a little strawberry sorbet for dessert?
And Porker??? That was pretty freakin' funny. But at least it fit the definition of manning-up.
GMac turned me on to JJ's a while back, and I've always enjoyed their food. Sorry you guys weren't blown away.
Maybe next time Scrunch shouldn't take so long to decide what to order (yet another super girlie trait).
I'll be there this Friday for a full-on man-up meal for the GPak crew!
ps - Loved the quotes ... What was the song you were referring to? If I dare ask.
cheers Wingnut
Can't remember the song ... was it a Journey tune?
ReplyDeleteYes, a Journey tune. And the image of Chuck with a mullet is unfortunately coming back to me as I recall that moment. And yes yes, we know, it was your hey day so you don't need to bother rehashing it for us again.