I rolled my eyes in disgust when Greg and Brady suggested that we go to Iggy's Sports Grill. We've been there plenty of times before, and there's really not a lot for those with, shall we say, more delicate and refined palates. But being the good sport that I am, finally acquiesced. Iggy's menu is filled with all manner of fatty and unhealthy choices and so naturally I took my time deciding what to order. These things can't be rushed.
I eventually chose the PTLP (Pickle, Tomato and Lettuce Pile) for $8.95. It's a bit more substantial than what I'd normally order and I almost went for the Bark and Air-foam salad, but then I thought, "Why not? It's a Friday!" I'd already pecked at half a wheat germ doughnut with pink hummus glaze for breakfast, but was determined not to let that gross lapse in diet consciousness ruin the whole day. The PTLP was nearly too large to finish (take a gander at the picture and you'll know why), but was delicious. Whenever I'm torn between two menu selections, I just ask myself "What would Karen Carpenter order?" Since the answer to that question is invariably "Nothing, she's dead," I then ask myself: "What would the 9-year-old daughter of militant vegans order?" That usually does the trick.
I could only shake my head as both Greg and Brady scarfed down All-American bacon cheeseburgers. With the way they eat, they'd better both be well on their way to building piano-sized coffins. Well, Greg at least; I'm pretty certain Brady has a tape worm. SuperScrunch, on the other hand, followed my lead and opted for the Partially Reconstituted Mound of Cud. I'll let him offer his own thoughts on the meal, but all I can say is: MMMmmmmmmm.
Lady-up possibilities: 3 (Not a lot of options.)
Food quality: 8
Service: 5 (We hardly saw the server until it was check time).
Overall: 7
Quotes of the day:
"Wow, look, there's a twig in my cud!" RESPONSE: "Lucky bugger!"
"That parking spot wasn't there before. I'm pretty sure we just crossed into another dimension."
"We'll sit down as soon as you remove 'cackling lady.'"
"Is today opposite day?" RESPONSE: "Yes. Wait, no."
– Wingnut